"What I couldn't have known was all that you'd be
by you being you and giving to me."
~ Marianne Richmond
This year I discovered the loveliest book to give the children for Valentine's Day!
by Marianne Richmond
I used to give each of the children a book to commemorate the holiday, but as they are getting older and the boys have more assigned literature at school, they don't all enjoy reading for pleasure to the same degree. I was going to forgo the tradition this year, but when I read the message of this beautifully illustrated children's classic, I couldn't resist getting a copy for my four. This treasure is sure to become a family favorite. The girls and I have shared some cozy story times with this book, and earlier this week I asked Mary Ashley to read it to the family before dinner. Today I will be taking it to Emma's school, where I am coordinating an ice-cream sundae party for the birthday girl's class. I'm certain her third-grade friends will love it, too! Click the title above to learn more about this heart-filled love letter written from parent to child.
"You're my joy beyond joy, to grow you, my child,
my delight and my thankful, my adventure, my wild."
~ Marianne Richmond