"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." ~ Albert Einstein
At the conclusion of each school year, we like to honor our teachers with a gift of flowers presented in a vessel they can reuse. After carrying out this tradition over several years, thinking of a new container can be a challenge. I racked my brain for ideas until I realized the answer was right in front of me.
Inspiration struck when I spied a lovely weathered magazine rack at my local HomeGoods.
One of the perks of working at Hoffman Media is getting samples of all the magazines we produce. (It's like Christmas every day, I tell you!) I have a nice collection of periodicals to share, so I wrapped up a few of my favorites for each teacher.
A bulbous vase overflowing with white tulips fit Mrs. Lacey's gift perfectly.
I found magazine racks for Mary Ashley's teachers at Tuesday Morning. For this larger version, I tucked the magazines on one side and a few hydrangea stems on the other.
Mason jars fit snugly in the pocket, making easy vases for these showy blooms.
Whether our teachers take their gifts home to hold treasured volumes or keep them in their classrooms for extra storage, I hope they will remember our family fondly with each use.
Stop in again soon for a profusion of blossoms as we look back at past teacher-gift ideas.
Thinking of ordering a magazine subscription for yourself or a beloved teacher? Find a few of my favorites at the links below.