Last month, we slipped away for a few days of leisure at one of my favorite escapes, The Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa in Point Clear, Ala. We missed our annual visit last summer, so for months before our family vacation, I dreamed of strolling the gardens, lounging by the sea, and riding bicycles around the idyllic property.
Joe and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary, so this trip offered a lovely observance of that milestone.
Throughout the summer, the house has seemed to swell and shrink as Carson came home from college but then different children leave for camps and other trips, so we took full advantage of having all four available for a weekend away. I'm always happiest to have all of my babies together!
This trip was also special in that Carson's sweet girlfriend, Mallory, joined us for all of the fun.
Mallory shares my love of beauty, photography, and afternoon tea, so I knew that she would enjoy the Queen of Southern Resorts. She was a lovely addition to our group and appreciated all of the amenities just as much as I thought she would!
Emma was so little when we made our first trip to The Grand years ago, and now she is a teenager -- and taller than big sister Mary Ashley!
I love and adore these three girls!
And I'm so grateful for each moment spent with these precious four.
And to think, it all began 25 years ago with these two!
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful."
~Abram L. Urban