Friday, May 6, 2011

Teacher Gifts 2011

We're chalking up another great schoolyear to having wonderful teachers. And just in time for Mother's Day, today we are surprising them with flowers.

Each year I look for a unique container that teachers can put to use long after the flowers have wilted. This year I chose clear glass canisters accented with chalkboard labels -- a steal at World Market. (They come with chalk, so the children labeled their teachers' canisters before taping the chalk to the lid.) I filled each canister with a bouquet of tulips and finished off the arrangement with a gift tag. I love the versatility of these canisters and hope each teacher will find a perfect spot for one at home or at school.

"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." -- William A. Ward

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