This has been an emotionally draining weekend for our family, as urgent needs have torn at our hearts. All weekend we have prayed for the precious 5-year-old girl pictured above, Lily Murphy of Montgomery, Ala. Lily was airlifted to Birmingham Children's Hospital after a near drowning accident Friday. I met Lily's mom, Heidi, at a bloggers lunch awhile back and have enjoyed getting to know her. I run into the Murphys around town, and once had the opportunity to read to Lily when she climbed into my lap with a stack of books at Books-a-Million. What a precious little girl she is! You can follow Lily's progress on Facebook at "Praying for Lily Murphy!!" People from all over have joined hearts to pray for this little girl, and her condition has improved dramatically. Thank you, Lord, for that!
Also heavy on my heart has been my mother, Sharon Prichard's, condition. She will be receiving her fourth stem cell transplant tomorrow. Yesterday we were alarmed to learn she had been moved to the surgical ICU and put on a ventilator due to severe breathing difficulties. We feared the worst, but were relieved when her oncologist determined she had experienced an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. Since changing medications, her condition has stabilized and she was able to receive the chemotherapy she needed today in preparation for tomorrow's transplant. Please pray for my mother as she faces the next few weeks of treatment.
I am also requesting prayers as in the midst of all this I am preparing for back surgery Wednesday. I am hopeful that this will be successful in alleviating the lower back -- and within the past year, right leg -- pain that has plagued me these last few years.
Even with the heartaches we have experienced this weekend, there have also been many blessings. After church yesterday, we stopped by Fresh Market before heading home. Six-year-old Mary Ashley was delighted when I agreed to let her try a sample of flavored coffee. As she stirred cream and sugar into her little cup, she smiled and said definitively, "Best day ever."
"Really?" I asked, eyes still tear-stained from wrestling with the decision to go ahead with my surgery or postpone it to join my mother for her transplant.
"Oh, yes," she insisted. "Getting to drink coffee and get a free cookie -- best day ever.
Getting to eat lunch with Mommy and Daddy -- best day ever.
Getting a sucker, too --
Best. Day. Ever."
Join me this week as I share some of the beautiful moments we shared last week during a trip to the beach -- blessed memories from the best God ever.
Photo by Lori Mercer