Just when I was beginning to wonder how I could plan a Valentine's Day celebration for my children in the midst of a busy weekend, Mary Ashley and Emma received the darling invitation above to attend a traditional Valentine party.

During the all-girl party, the boys will enjoy some guy time with friends. When 4-year-old Emma heard that the boys will be going to the Lyles' house, she asked me if she could go back to their house sometime. Occasionally we have traded nights of babysitting with the Lyles to give each couple an opportunity for a date night, so Emma asked hopefully, "Could you and Daddy go on a date or something?"
"Well, Emma," I said with a sigh, "Daddy's work schedule is really busy right now, so I don't think he would have time for a date right now."
Seeing the opportunity to play at the Lyles' house slip away, Emma thought and thought and thought some more. No date night for Mommy and Daddy would mean no time in the Lyles' playroom; no opportunity to get in the jump house; no time to eat a snack with Mrs. Lyle. Finally, Emma's eyes brightened as she came to a solution:
"Could you get a boyfriend?"

I guess Emma and I have a few things to talk about on the way to the party this weekend ... . I'll be back next week with more Valentine fun.
It's a date!