'Tis the season for our traditional gathering with our friends Emma and Lizzy -- friends of Mary Ashley and Emma since preschool. Every year we invite the girls to join us for a holiday party when school adjourns for Christmas break. For several years we also included buddies Garrison and Gavin, but now that Carson and Christian are both involved in wrestling tournaments, we have resumed our girlfriend get-togethers. Please join us for this year's celebration, Spa La La La La!
Life is moving at such a fast pace these days that unwinding with a leisurely afternoon of pampering seemed the perfect way to reconnect with our sweet friends. I am hoping this idea will catch on!
A palette of pink, lime green, yellow and white kept our decor feminine and sweet, while little touches gave the party a holiday feel.
When our guests arrived, Mary Ashley and Emma greeted them with gifts for the occasion. Monogrammed robes and coordinating slippers let the girls slip into something more comfortable: a holiday state of mind.
We had three spa treatments to offer, plus plenty of snacks to enjoy. I wondered if the girls might hesitate to try some of the stations, but they were ready for a day of beauty.
Rockin' Around the Facial Cream
For the first station, the girls gathered in my bathroom for facials. My cousin Kristi studied aesthetics in college, so I asked her for mask ideas that would be kid-safe. She suggested a mixture of yogurt, honey and oats as a good option for any skin type, but also said we should be able to find inexpensive over-the-counter options at department stores. A mild cucumber mask from Walmart worked great for us.
The girls were eager to put cucumber slices on their eyelids.
Towels -- also from Walmart -- allowed a wash rag, hand towel, and bath towel for each girl. After applying their masks, the girls were free to move on to the next station or step into the living room for snacks.
An easy menu allowed us to nibble throughout the afternoon. Along with bottled waters and apples, we also offered cucumber slices and strawberries. The adorable spa-themed mini cookies were decorated by Flourish Sweet Shop, and the cheese ball and lemon squares were prepared by local favorite Edgar's Bakery.
I also prepared a pot of hot tea -- the Fiji blend from Steepist. Enhanced with pineapple and papaya, this organic green tea from China was an ideal choice for our tranquil gathering.
Mistle-Toe Traditions
For the next station, the girls stepped into the sitting room for a relaxing foot soak. Mary Ashley especially loved trying out our Foot Spa with Vibration and Heat.
Spa Sisters gift sets from TJ Maxx made great favors for us moms. I kept the slippers from one set but used the foot scrub, lotion and accessories for the party. I sent a complete set home with Stacey.
Rolled up towels were kept at the ready after a luxuriating soak.
That's the Fingernail Rock
Manicure supplies at our fingertips included, clockwise from bottom left, cotton balls soaked in polish remover; a peppermint sugar scrub made by my friend Sharon; fingernail polishes to match our color scheme; and emery boards from World Market. In the end, all the girls decided to have their toenails painted but keep their hands free for snacking.
This was such a fun party and a wonderful way to end a hectic week leading up to the holiday break. It was such fun to unwind with loved ones at Spa La La La La -- a pampering Christmas party perfect to share with girlfriends of any age.
"I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world." ~ Comte de Mirabeau