A friend from church recently recommended Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers as a must-read. Her recommendation came at the perfect time -- just as our family was heading to the beach for an extended holiday weekend. I was immediately swept up by this California Gold-Rush era love story, which is based on the biblical account of the prophet Hosea and his wife, Gomer, a prostitute. The book was so engrossing, I found it difficult to put down -- even to dip my toes in the ocean! It has also piqued my interest in reading the Old Testament book of Hosea. Although Hosea has been referenced in Bible studies I have participated in, I don't believe I have ever read the book straight through or studied it in-depth. If you are hoping to settle in with a good book when the weather turns cooler this fall, I would suggest Redeeming Love. Find it here
And stay tuned for ideas on hosting a book-club style dinner and discussion sometime this fall!