Our little Mother-Daughter-Dolly tea party gave me a perfect opportunity to use my great-grandmother's Homer Laughlin china. I always admired this pattern in my mother's china cabinet, so it means so much to me to have it now. I am already thinking about the fact that one day this pattern will be passed on to my children. And although I do not want to use this china so often it gets broken or lost, I want the children to remember some special occasions through the years when it was used.
With nine of us at the tea party, it was easier to move the dining room table to the side of the room and set up card tables. This kept us all in the same room but felt less crowded than squeezing everyone around the dining room table. (Martha Stewart Eyelet Lanterns in white
Mary Ashley, Emma and Hope sat at the second card table; and my Emma and Lizzy sat at a smaller kids table.
Here are all of our sweet daughters: (left to right) Mary Ashley, Lizzy, Grace, Emma, Emma and Hope.

And here are the mommies and daughters: (clockwise from left) Cathy with Hope and Grace; Stacey with Lizzy and Emma; and me with Mary Ashley and Emma.
Tomorrow I'll give you a closer look at the hangers pictured in today's post. Plus, I will announce the winner of a fresh arrangement. See Monday's post for more details.