One of the highlights of Fall 2011 was dressing up for church festivities at Trunk or Treat. Last year was our first year to coordinate costumes as a family. Here's a look at the fun we had visiting the Land of Oz.
We celebrated our dress-up fun with a surprise family party with decorations, snacks and favors inspired by the Wizard of Oz.

Last year was our first year to dress up with a family theme, and it turned out to be a highlight of the fall. Choosing another theme that all four children could agree on has proven a challenge, but I am excited to say that we have a winner. I have been making some of our costumes this year, so look for details later this month. And I am already planning a special family celebration to follow Trunk or Treat.
This month holds promise for special family time, birthday and holiday celebrations, a book club meeting and a girlfriends getaway. We'll have lots of opportunities for crafting along the way, so don't delay. Let's look down the Yellow Brick Road and step into October!
"In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter, morning and evening — no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air." ~ Alexander Smith