Monday, February 22, 2010

Book Club Beginnings

For months I have looked forward to sharing a book-club style dinner and discussion with the ladies of my congregation on the book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

I originally planned to host a one-time event, but the response was so enthusiastic that before our meeting we had already decided to make this a quarterly event.

In order to open the book club to a greater number of ladies, we held the meeting at the church building. Several weeks before the book club, announcements from the pulpit and in the bulletin let the ladies know our book selection. For future meetings we plan to announce the next book at the end of the meeting so everyone will have plenty of time to read it.

I placed the sign-up sheet pictured above in the foyer so we could get a count for the evening. I wanted this invitation to look like a book, so I printed the sheet on the landscape setting, folded it in half and secured it to a scrapbook page cut to look like a book cover. A red ribbon "bookmark" added one final detail.

More than 30 ladies gathered for this inaugural book club meeting. It was so much fun! Our evening provided a great opportunity to share fellowship with a cross-section of women from our congregation -- brought together for the evening by our love of good books and bonded for life by our love of The Good Book. The sweet sounds of laughter and conversation were music to my ears.

I will share more details throughout the week, so come back each day to read all about it!

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