It is so sweet to see Mary Ashley's tenderness toward her younger sister. Mary Ashley has guided Emma through ballet class, showing her where to stand, helping her put on her shoes, and teaching her how to curtsy.
It warms my heart to see my girls enjoying the kind of closeness my sister and I share. Jennifer joined us for the recital, and it's a good thing I'm so proud of her. Otherwise, I might have felt some sibling rivalry.
She is a Disney princess, after all!
When the girls' ballet teacher told me that princesses would lead the girls in a parade for the show's opening number, I knew I had the perfect Belle. Mary Ashley and Emma were delighted to be escorted to their recital by a princess, and all their friends were so excited to meet Beauty. Jennifer did a great job, and Emma was so glad to have a royal hand to hold for her first appearance onstage!
I love the ballet numbers, and the girls enjoy tumbling and baton.
This year I joined Mary Ashley onstage for the mother-daughter number, "I Want to Be Like You" from The Jungle Book. I love this picture Jennifer took during our performance.
Time for a little toe tapping!
Other favorite images from the show. The costumes for this year's Disney-themed show were so pretty!
The girls received medals from their ballet teacher, Miss Gigi, and flowers from their daddy. Emma was hesitant to go onstage for the finale, but Mary Ashley helped her savor her moment in the spotlight.
By the end of the night, we were tutu tired to twirl! We all went to bed with visions of ballerinas dancing in our heads!